• How do I donate?

    • First, we’d like to say THANK YOU!!!  We appreciate all donations whether it’s $2 or $20,000.  You are making a difference for so many in need of sex therapy!  You can make an electronic donation using a credit/debit card on our Donate Now page or you can send us a check to TASTi Fund, Inc, 3071 N Swan Rd, Tucson, Arizona 85712.  You will receive a letter within two weeks of the receipt of your donation.

  • Am I eligible to apply for sponsorship?

    • Possibly!  Do you have a sexual concern and are unable to afford self-pay fees?  Let us know about what barriers you are experiencing to accessing sex therapy services and we will determine eligibility based on your response.

  • How do I apply?

    • You can apply by completing our quick online application on the Access Sex Therapy Funding page.

  • What is the process after I apply?

    • Our Board of Directors will review applications quarterly and will make a decision at that time. You will be notified once a decision is made. If granted funding, you will be sent a list of available sex therapists and can schedule with them directly.  You will need to complete a Release of Information with TASTi Fund, Inc. and your new sex therapist in order for TASTi Fund, Inc. to pay your therapist.  If denied, you will be sent a letter as to the reason of your denial and whether you are eligible to reapply.

  • How do I join the cause and become a TASTi provider?

    • Apply on our Become a TASTi Approved Therapist page!  We are so excited to add you to our list of amazing sex therapists!

  • What is sex therapy?

    • Sex therapy is talk therapy that addresses issues such as: erectile dysfunction, low sexual desire, pain with penetration, gender and sexual identities, relationship issues related to sex, sexual abuse/trauma that impacts sexual health.

  • Who are your providers?

    • We contract with the most highly trained sex therapists!  All of our therapists are certified by American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) or attending a certification program approved by AASECT and under supervision of an AASECT certified supervisor.  AASECT is the most prestigious organization for sex therapy certification in the country.  Check them out at https://www.aasect.org/